Set of techniques, practices and institutions oriented to the administration of a territory from an economic, social and environmental point of view. The management and planning of the territory, through the various instruments envisaged by the legislation, constitute the fundamental elements of the territorial governance within which, more extensively, fall the cognitive, planning, regulatory and financial activity for the protection, enhancement and transformation of the territory and the environment.
The government of the territory is based on the integration of political, juridical, administrative and scientific competences and includes urban planning, construction, public works, soil protection, care of public interests, and so on. Generally speaking, theland management is functional to economic development, use and transformation of the town with particular reference to heritage and public spaces, the organization of mobility, traffic and public services. However, it is not possible to give a univocal interpretation of the notion of land management ,
especially in the international framework. it is possible to trace a multiplicity of different connotations such as those assumed, for example, by the concepts of land , spatial , environmental or territorial management or by the concepts of amenagement, gestion des territoires. Overall, the significations vary depending on: the territorial context of reference and in particular the type of political-institutional and administrative organization of the State; of the legal and financial competences attributed to the various levels of government; their degree of autonomy and responsibility; of the different types of institutions with territorial competences (such as, for example,
in Italy national parks, basin authorities, mountain communities or other institutions). Recently, the processes of democratization and decentralization underway in different countries, the growing complexity of conflicts between territorial and environmental actors, the application of new social and development policies have in fact led to an expansion of the themes and aims recognized relevant to theland management .